SBP Snack: Week of 4/29-5/5

5 Interesting, Funny, and Touching Things that Happened in Sports This Week

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Good Thursday Morning. Bringing you an abbreviated, “snack size” version of SBP this week.

Five Interesting, Funny, and Touching Things that Happened in Sports This Week

#1:The NFL Draft was in Detroit this past weekend. Michigan stayed on top in 2024, turning in a monster attendance number that shattered the previous record by 175,000 people.

🗯️ My thought bubble: it continues to astound me how big of an event the draft is. This traveling roadshow model has produced hit after hit, and it shows no signs of slowing down as new cities take it on. Given the stranglehold the NFL has on the American public, it makes me wonder if the they will keep going bolder in the future (i.e., hold a draft internationally?).

#2: What a cool experience for aspiring broadcaster Will Ashbaugh

#3: A potentially massive shift in the soccer world, as the EPL considers a salary cap for the first time.

🗯️ My thought bubble: this is a very bold step for the EPL to take. Yes, it will help their ownership groups reign in costs and potentially create more parity, but because it is doing this at the league level and not the governing body (i.e., FIFA, UEFA), the EPL runs the risk of money-motivated players going to other leagues that do not have these cost controls in place.

The bet is probably that the other leagues take notice of the precedent and also get onboard in order to better manage the runaway expenses in high end soccer.

#4: The 76ers ownership group giving back to the community during a pivotal playoff game. Well done, and we need Game 7 in the Garden!

#5: It feels like insect-related incident happens every few years in the MLB. After the Dodgers-Diamondbacks game earlier this week was postponed due to a bee infestation, one brave hero stepped forward — beekeeper Matt Hilton. His efforts were rewarded with throwing out the first pitch and are now memorialized via Topps’ autographed cards 😂 

Until next time, sports fans!
